Monday, January 10, 2011

Henan Protestor Killed as Security Guards Watch

NDTV | January 6, 2011

In China's Henan province on Monday (January 3rd) a 38-year-old woman and mother, Li Li, was killed by a digger. It happened while she was protesting a construction project, local media reported.

Officials say her death was an accident. But this video has led many to believe otherwise:


One Family in Gaza

One Family in Gaza from Jen Marlowe on Vimeo.

Here is one response to the video which was posted at My Catbird Seat:

"It is a beautiful video, a mythology-shattering piece both compelling and painful. Watching it brought to mind a hasbara tactic that infuriates me, the mythology surrounding incitement, specifically, the assertion by Israel that Palestinian educators and parents teach their children to hate and that is what drives Palestinian violence.

While there are undoubtedly issues with both Palestinian and Israeli textbooks, this tactic is simply noxious. Throughout the telling, the father of this family reflects on how this experience and fear have been ingrained in his children’s blood – this is of course the greatest source of incitement, the killing and traumatizing of civilians, the subjugation of generations, the demolitions of homes and land, and the killing, always the killing.

Until now, I had not seen nor heard this tactic adequately exposed."

DVDs are available on a sliding scale from $10-$50.

$10: discounted price for an individual DVD (for those who need a discount)
$15 regular price for an individual DVD
$30: discounted price for an institutional/educational DVD (for those who need a discount)
$50 regular price for an institutional/educational DVD (or for a public screening)
Proceeds from all DVD sales will go to the Awajah family in Gaza. Make checks out to “donkeysaddle projects” and include a note to indicate the number of DVDs you want, and whether they are individual or institutional DVDs. Include the address to which they should be sent.

Mail checks to: Jen Marlowe, 926 N. 72nd Street, Seattle, WA 98103. In the info line write “For A Family in Gaza”.

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